Declare Permission
There are two bluetooth related permissions in Android:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />
If you are using Android Studio, it will automatically notify the permissions required. The only thing you need to do is to apply them when needed.
Get Bluetooth Manager
is the top level API provided by Android related to Bluetooth. You can get different kinds of API using it. To get the BluetoothManager
, you need to invoke following code within your Activity
. Of course, you can pass the Activity
to other places to invoke it, like a custom BluetoothHelper
, dealing with all the stuff with Bluetooth.
BluetoothManager btManager =
Get Bluetooth Adapter
The BluetoothAdapter
object is the abstract representation of the bluetooth chips on the device. It provides APIs related to hardware operations. You can get it using following code:
BluetoothAdapter adapter = btManager.getAdapter();
One thing to be noticed is the function call will return a null
if there is no Bluetooth adapter on the device. In such case, you might need to handle such situation. In addition, the adapter might not be enabled. You can check the state by calling adapter.isEnabled()
. If it is not enabled, the following code might help to request to enable the adapter:
Intent enableBtIntent = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE);
startActivityForResult(enableBtIntent, Activity.RESULT_OK);
At this time, the system will open a dialogue to request to enable the adapter. The result of this request can be listened by overriding related functions of your Activity
protected void onActivityResult(int request, int result, Intent data) {
if (request == result)
// Successfully opened
// Request refused
Search For Device
After getting the ‘BluetoothAdapter’, we can start to search for devices. In old version of Android, there is no independent interface for Bluetooth LE, the only way is to use the following code to search. Here you need a callback which will be called when remote devices are found, to pass the device.
adapter.startLeScan(LeScanCallback callback);
In new version of Android, you can use following code instead. The ScanCallback
is a better implemented callback. In addition to the device, it also passes many other information like the strength of signal, the time stamp of connection, available services and other information within a ScanResult
object, these will be covered later.
adapter.getBluetoothLeScanner().startScan(ScanCallback callback)
The most significant difference between these two implementations is the second one provides more decoded information. If you have to use the first one, you can refer to this article to decode the information.
The Structure of Bluetooth LE
After starting the search, we will start to receive some devices, but how to find the device that we want? The easiest method is to filter by device name. You can invoke bluetoothDevice.getName()
to do this. However, we might want more precise filtering in some cases. To do this, we need to know the structure of Bluetooth LE. Every BLE devices will provide several Service
s, each Service
represent one thing this device can do. For example, serial communication (UART), or wireless input. The Service
can be distinguished by its UUID
. There are several UUID
s already defined universally alone with some specified by the manufacturer. Using some apps that will show the Bluetooth LE information will make your life much easier to know everything about one device. Here I uses the UUID
provided by the manufacturer "6e400001-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e"
To filter devices according to Service
, the following code might be useful (Here I uses ScanCallback
. If you are using LeScanCallback
, you might need to decode the UUID
s manually).
UUID UUID_SERVICE = UUID.fromString("6e400001-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e");
for (ParcelUuid uuid : result.getScanRecord().getServiceUuids()) {
if (uuid.getUuid().equals(UUID_SERVICE)) {
// Some operation
Here the result
is the ScanResult
passed in.
There are some information within every Service
, which is called Characteristic
. This is basically the actual content of BLE communication. Two devices can communicate by reading and writing Characteristic
s. The Characteristic
s is distinguished by UUID
as well.
Establish Connection
After the former section, you might have founded the device to connect. We will start connection in this step. Assuming the device is called device
, connection can be started using the following code:
BluetoothGatt gatt =
device.connectGatt(context, false, new MyBluetoothGattCallback());
The context
here can be you Activity
, the second parameter is whether to connect automatically when available, the third parameter is a customized BluetoothGattCallback
, which is used to listen to many event in the connection to be mentioned later. We will use GattCallback
as a simplification.
The function call will return an object of BluetoothGatt
, this object can be a representation of the connection. This does not mean the connection has been established successfully while it only means the device is trying to connect. Usually the process will cost a very short time within 1 second, but things might go wrong in some special cases. For example the remote device has been occupied or the device is not ready. The events will be passed to the GattCallback
. There are some operations you might want to do to establish the communication.
When the connection state changes (including connected and disconnected), this method will be fired. The following code might be of help:
public void onConnectionStateChange(BluetoothGatt gatt,
int status, int newState) {
if (newState == BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED) {
gatt.discoverServices(); // important
// Connected
} else if (newState == BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED) {
// Disconnected
The most important thing to do is to search for services here. Otherwise, no Service
can be found by the gatt
even though with connection is established.
Right after starting discover of services, this method will be fired. Here we need to register the listener of some services.
public void onServicesDiscovered(BluetoothGatt gatt, int status) {
final UUID UUID_RX =
service = gatt.getService(UUID_SERVICE); // get Service
BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic =
service.getCharacteristic(UUID_RX); // get Characteristic
BluetoothGattDescriptor descriptor =
characteristic.getDescriptor(CHARACT_CONFIG); // get Descriptor
// Register listener to remote device
gatt.writeDescriptor(descriptor); // send operation
// register locally
gatt.setCharacteristicNotification(characteristic, true);
s here comes documentation of the manufacturer as well. At this step you need to both register listener to remote device and locally. Otherwise you will not be informed when data changed. In other words, onCharacteristicChanged
will not be fired.
Receive information
After registering listeners in the last step, the method onCharacteristicChanged
will start to receive information passed in. The following code applies some check to the Characteristic
, then reads the data. You might want to convert the data to String
. You can use new String(bytes, Charset.fromString("UTF-8"))
to do the trick.
public void onCharacteristicChanged(BluetoothGatt gatt,
BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic) {
if (characteristic.getService().getUuid().equals(UUID_SERVICE)) {
if (characteristic.getUuid().equals(UUID_RX)) {
final byte[] bytes = characteristic.getValue();
// Apply operations
Send information
Since sending message is an active operation, this is slightly easier to do. The following code is given for reference:
BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic =
if (characteristic != null) {
There is nearly no restriction of when to invoke it, checking the state of connection will make it safer. One thing to be noticed is to store the reference of objects to call the function whenever you want.
I would highly suggest you to close the connection when you are finished. At least on my device, you the connection is not fully closed, the connection next time will cost more time to establish. The following code can be used.
Currently, I’m using this code in the ‘onDestroy’ of the Activity
. You can put them wherever you want.
This article describes the essential steps to establish a BLE connection. Due to the limit of the length, I’m not going to describe everything of the mechanism. Hopefully this can help starters to get started. For a full implementation, you can refer to my helper class, or read the source code of Adafruit BLE Application.
If without special declaration, the article is original work.
The work is licensed under CC 4.0 BY License.